
i took my hand on an incredible journey after receiving quite possibly the worst news a single mother could have regarding my health: stage IV lung cancer and a questionable prognosis. Ami helped me to discover the root of my healing crisis which had manifested itself in my lungs. I had buried years of grief and pain which was no screaming for my attention.

Through distance healing and hypnosis Ami helped me to connect to those fragmented pieces of me and heal. I am forever changed by our time together and I am happy to report that I am healing, and my lungs are transformed. Ami is kind and extremely talented as a healer. She created an extremely safe space to heal and I feel so incredibly lucky to have her with me on this journey. 

- Kate, California

Calling all the procrastinators out there! If you feel like there's no hope for you, just reach out to Ami for hypnosis!! I contacted Ami because I was having a really hard time dealing with my procrastination and ADHD which drove me to the extreme point that my body would literally freeze whenever I needed to perform any task. I was hopeless.

Ami helped me identify the past traumas that were blocking me. It was such a healing session. She's a wonderful, compassionate, and open-minded professional, who 100% believes that you will succeed. Ami is like a fairy who with a help of her magic “wand” can help you transform your life. Ami, I'm forever grateful for all your support, and your wisdom! 

– Marta, Madrid, Spain

I feel so blessed to have been introduced to RTT by the beautiful, intuitive Ami Hubbard. I had undergone so many recent life changes and traumas that had been causing me to feel disconnected from God. I was overwhelmed by all of the changes and personal responsibilities I needed to carry. I felt compelled to make a very big move geographically to be able to continue my medical career in the face of covid mandates. My move was a poor choice which further paralyzed me from moving ahead. Ami created a wonderful transformation for me which brought me back to source and trust in my worthiness to continue to do God’s work while in synchronicity with my own personal higher purpose and peace in my own life. She helped me to break down the blockages and trust in my own intuition again. I am now beginning a new job in my most favorite place in the world, a place of natural beauty where my soul is at peace just outside of Sanibel, Florida. I am so grateful.

– Christine J.

The overall experience with Ami is of high service and energy. I felt safe and taken care of throughout the process. She checked in with me even weeks after our session. She is fast in understanding the underlying issue and asked the right questions to get to my core problem in minutes.

She translated the work we did into an amazing hypnotherapy recording, that I still listen to very regularly. It just realigns me to my purpose and uplifts my energy instantly. Thank you so much for the work you do Ami. You are truly living your dharma ♥️🙏🏻

- Zara F., Cape Town, South Africa

I had an incredible experience with Ami. Because she made me feel so safe, a flood of memories came up that I didn’t even consciously know were keeping me stuck. She encouraged me to look at them, even though I wasn’t sure they were significant. Sure enough, those experiences from age 5 and 12 were memories I had suppressed because they hurt.

She patiently helped me get to the bottom of my feelings from my young child-self. A lot of shedding of old wounds freed me up and I’m not burdened anymore. I wish everyone could have a hypnosis session with Ami!

– Leslie, New York

I have had many intuitive theta energy clearings with Ami over the years. I highly recommend a distance session with her, in the ease and privacy of your home. I always feel re-energized and like a weight has been lifted. I recently moved to Australia with my 3 cats, and through distance energy healing, Ami was with them every step of the way. She communicated with each of them, described their health and temperaments perfectly and helped them through the traumatic quarantine process.

They have settled into their new home so quickly and are loving life. I am beyond grateful for the distance work that Ami did. She also energetically cleared the house! I would definitely work with her again.

- Emma, Australia

I have been struggling with asthma for almost 40 years, having serious episodes that have sent me directly to the emergency room for nebulization. I have been dependent on an inhaler for basically all my life. This was affecting me in many areas of my life, limiting me, and keeping me from being able to do what I want.

After only one session with Ami, I started to feel much better and almost completely eliminated the use of my inhaler. This has been a major change in my life. I am so happy that I did this session with Ami and I will always be grateful to her.

- Sandra, Lima, Peru

I have received several theta energy sessions from Ami Hubbard during these past couple of months and it has truly been transformational on all levels of my mind, body and spirit. Her insights are so profound and illuminating. It has helped me shift out of my limiting belief patterns and moved to a new reality of truth and possibility.

I love working with Ami because every session is unique and different as it pertains to the moment and issue at hand. She is wonderful at holding space during the session and supportive of where I am in the moment. I always come away feeling more empowered and confident. I highly recommend booking an energy session with her!

- Camellia, Woodstock, New York

My work with Ami has been exceptional at transmuting and creating real movement in important areas of my life, that were not able to be addressed by other practitioners. I highly recommend Ami’s RTT sessions to anyone looking to get at deeply seated challenges and desires in their life.

– Matt, Fort Collins, Colorado

"I have had two hypnotherapy sessions with Ami and both have been completely transformative. I experienced almost immediate release during each session as we uncovered the root of each issue that I was working through. It is incredible how brilliant our subconscious is if we are just able to connect with it and speak through it. The combination of deep clarity and the continued re-programming from listening to my recordings has left me feeling empowered to meet these issues from a place of peace and acceptance. It's not like all feelings of anxiety or not being enough have just disappeared, but for the first time in my life I feel that I am able to meet and see those feelings from a place of strength instead of being at their mercy. And now I have the knowing that I am taking massive leaps in healing things that I just thought would always be part of my life. I feel so empowered knowing that my future self will look at these decades long issues as something of the past!

I used to be afraid of hypnosis (anxiety, control, etc.), but I could not have been further off from the truth. Ami creates such a comfortable space to surrender and allow yourself to sink into your subconscious. All I felt was complete relaxation and almost a state of bliss as she guided me through the process. Ami is so intuitive and knows exactly the questions to ask to lead your subconscious through uncovering and explaining what is causing your hurt or trauma response.

Just two sessions have been life-changing for me, and I cannot wait to continue to work with Ami on my journey to embody my innate wholeness and abundance."

– Ryan Ball, Denver, CO

I started to work with Ami a few months back and have done several sessions with her each with a different intention. I had results from each session and some that exceeded my expectations. The first session was about finances. I was trying to fill a workshop that I only had 2 participants. Each day after the initial session, I had a signup and ended up with the exact number that I wanted. The other sessions were more about healing past traumas that had continued to impact my life and hold me back from knowing my own value.

As I started to have interactions that would normally be very stressful, they weren't anymore, things had resolved. I am owning my worth & value and making decisions from this foundation. It is quite exciting to know I can live my life much more fully and allow more love, health & finances into it. I am eternally grateful to Ami and her work that has been so profound for me.

- Kathy S., New Jersey

I worked with Ami Hubbard for a hypnosis session as well as a lengthy intention setting session where Ami took the time to really understand me and learn about the issues that I am facing. She worked with me to help me problem-solve. I was so impressed at the level of skill and attention that Ami showed. She is extremely insightful/intuitive and approaches her work from many angles. A very enriching experience for the client. The guided hypnosis session she crafted for me was extremely focused and profound.

She helped me to work through long-standing issues, and months later, I drew on some of the images and releasing practices that were integral to the hypnosis session in unexpected ways. I am so pleased to see how the session actually did help to awaken me to deep, personal power. Although I came to her struggling with insomnia, the session with Ami has really helped me to tackle the core of where I struggled - childhood trauma. I am so thankful to have worked with Ami who has a wealth of knowledge and facility in this area.

– Francesca, New York

I absolutely loved working with Ami. For me, the most vital ingredient of doing meaningful work is feeling safe to go to unexplored areas. Ami created a warm cocoon and took me on a deep dive.

She was absolutely masterful in creating a safe space and shined a warm light to where healing was needed. I feel incredibly lucky to have her as a resource, and have already referred my own to clients her. Thanks Ami!

- Marjorie, New York

Hypnosis is without a doubt the best tool I’ve ever found to keep me on track in my weight loss journey and change of lifestyle.

It’s hypnotic effect is so powerful, and I’ve never experienced a better way to achieve what I’ve been seeking for years. I only regret not having found Ami and RTT years ago!

- RA, Texas

The sessions with Ami were like a rock ship. They had massive impact and worked very quickly. 

- Max Goldberg, Founder of Organic Insider

Ami’s knowledge, compassion and integrity are a gift for which I am extremely grateful. I unequivocally recommend working with Ami and her process if you want to ensure growth and change. This is a process and experience of transformation like no other!

– A.P. , Utah

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