Hypnotherapy Program


90 Days to Awaken Phenomenal Confidence & Become a Powerful Creator

Live a life aligned with your dreams and desires

Learn to turn your mind into your best ally

It's time to free yourself

Be empowered to create the life you want to live


Step into your power and move forward in your life

Drop the struggle with self-doubt

Fulfill your biggest wildest, dreams and goals

Stop comparing yourself to others

End self-sabotaging behaviors Transform your life


You want to connect to your inner voice and let it guide you

You have imposters syndrome

You know what you want, and you don’t feel energetically aligned to it yet


• Step into your power and move forward in your life

• Drop the struggle with self-doubt

• Fulfill your biggest wildest, dreams and goals

• Stop comparing yourself to others

• End self-sabotaging behaviors Transform your li•fe


• You want to connect to your inner voice and let it guide you

• You have imposters syndrome

• You know what you want, and you don’t feel energetically aligned to it yet

If so, you are not alone.

I totally get it. I’ve had clients come to me feeling blocked in so many areas of their life after having spent lots of time and money on “fixing” themselves. It’s always the same — self-doubt holds them back.

It’s amazing how they may see themselves with thoughts like….

“I don’t feel like I deserve to be successful.”
“I can’t do that!”

“I feel stuck in my life.”

“I don’t trust myself.”

•  “I don’t feel like I deserve to be successful.”
•  “I can’t do that!”

•  “I feel stuck in my life.”

•  “I don’t trust myself.”

Calling all the procrastinators out there! If you feel like there's no hope for you, just reach out to Ami for hypnosis!! I contacted Ami because I was having a really hard time dealing with my procrastination and ADHD which drove me to the extreme point that my body would literally freeze whenever I needed to perform any task. I was hopeless.

Ami helped me identify the past traumas that were blocking me. It was such a healing session. She's a wonderful, compassionate, and open-minded professional, who 100% believes that you will succeed. Ami is like a fairy who with a help of her magic “wand” can help you transform your life. Ami, I'm forever grateful for all your support, and your wisdom! 

- Marta, Madrid, Spain

I had an incredible experience with Ami. Because she made me feel so safe, a flood of memories came up that I didn’t even consciously know were keeping me stuck. She encouraged me to look at them, even though I wasn’t sure they were significant. Sure enough, those experiences from age 5 and 12 were memories I had suppressed because they hurt.

She patiently helped me get to the bottom of my feelings from my young child-self. A lot of shedding of old wounds freed me up and I’m not burdened anymore. I wish everyone could have a hypnosis session with Ami! 

- Leslie, New York

HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF you woke up each day feeling massively confident and trusted yourself at a soul level, knowing that you are a powerful creator. How would your life be different?

You would feel powerful because, you’d be giving your mind the correct thoughts and instructions to create what you want.

WHAT IF I TOLD YOU that all the tools you need to manifest what you want are already inside of you?

And the only reason you feel stuck is because your unconscious mind is running old, outdated programs that are ready to be released!

So, the question is…

What’s stopping you from becoming the embodiment of all your desires/dreams?

Are you ready to be your most empowered self?

Most of us are wired to move away from pain. Are you ready to turn that around? We’ll recode your mind to run toward pleasure. You’ll show up for your goals with a eager willingness to embody your new story, saturated in positivity, tailored for YOU. It’s time to jump into the story that moves you toward pleasure.

I’m the girl you come to if you want to get your mindset in a place where you can manifest your vision.


Visualize your Abundant Life — Create a road map to your future self

Uproot the Beliefs that are holding you back — Remove blocks to unworthiness and rewire you to confidence. Connect and upgrade your inner child.

First Breakthrough Session — embody your new beliefs/programs and unlock your woo. We will create aligned action steps towards your vision. You will be given tools to accelerate encoding your new reality.

Deep dive into your subconscious — continue to upgrade negative belief patterns and rewire you to your future self.

Second Breakthrough Session — expand the embodiment of your new beliefs/programs. We will continue to create aligned action steps towards your vision.

Tap into your inner wisdom — connect with your higher self. Here we have direct communication with your Subconscious voice for a deeper connection to your soul. You may receive answers directly from your Higher Self.

Reframe your subconscious mind — see yourself empowered on your soul’s journey. You will see yourself from a whole new prospective, enabling and continuing to activate the powerful creator that lives inside of you.

Third Breakthrough Session — continue to learn how to micro align to magnify and manifest.


1 Pre session recording to prep your subconscious

3 customized, personally tailored audios to reprogram your subconscious to build a solid foundation of powerful new beliefs.

THEN, I INVITE YOU TO JOIN ME IN THIS TRANSFORMATIONAL 90 DAY PROGRAM to call in the highest expression of your soul’s vision. You’ll embody a new identity on a cellular level as you create new empowering neural pathways in your brain.

I will guide you to the most powerful part of yourself.
You’ll remove negative programming, holding you back and keeping you from expanding into your higher potential.
You will be rewired and recoded to express your gifts as a powerful creator.

• I will guide you to the most powerful part of yourself.
You’ll remove negative programming, holding you back and keeping you from expanding into your higher potential.
• You will be rewired and recoded to express your gifts as a powerful creator.

Together, we will Skyrocket your confidence and raise your self-love to new levels. We will reprogram your mind to EMBODY YOUR VISION and live the life you want to live.

This transformative program is designed to help you release confidence blocking beliefs so you can become the hero of your own soul’s journey. I will install your new story - the one you want - with all of the juicy specifics you’ve dreamed of, and the life you were designed for, customized and tailored for you. I work with you one on one to remove confidence blocking beliefs and patterns that are stopping you from achieving your goals, holding you back and blocking your connection to your higher self. Once these negative programs are upgraded, you will be rewired to massive inner confidence and to the vision of what you want to create.

Also, I will teach you how to direct your mind and ditch your inner critic. You will learn how to become aware of your own inner monologue and empower yourself. You will connect to your heart and soul.

I worked with Ami Hubbard for a hypnosis session as well as a lengthy intention setting session where Ami took the time to really understand me and learn about the issues that I am facing. She worked with me to help me problem-solve. I was so impressed at the level of skill and attention that Ami showed. She is extremely insightful/intuitive and approaches her work from many angles. A very enriching experience for the client. The guided hypnosis session she crafted for me was extremely focused and profound.

She helped me to work through long-standing issues, and months later, I drew on some of the images and releasing practices that were integral to the hypnosis session in unexpected ways. I am so pleased to see how the session actually did help to awaken me to deep, personal power. Although I came to her struggling with insomnia, the session with Ami has really helped me to tackle the core of where I struggled - childhood trauma. I am so thankful to have worked with Ami who has a wealth of knowledge and facility in this area. 

- Francesca, New York

I feel so blessed to have been introduced to RTT by the beautiful, intuitive Ami Hubbard. I had undergone so many recent life changes and traumas that had been causing me to feel disconnected from God. I was overwhelmed by all of the changes and personal responsibilities I needed to carry. I felt compelled to make a very big move geographically to be able to continue my medical career in the face of covid mandates.

My move was a poor choice which further paralyzed me from moving ahead. Ami created a wonderful transformation for me which brought me back to source and trust in my worthiness to continue to do God’s work while in synchronicity with my own personal higher purpose and peace in my own life. She helped me to break down the blockages and trust in my own intuition again. I am now beginning a new job in my most favorite place in the world, a place of natural beauty where my soul is at peace just outside of Sanibel, Florida. I am so grateful.

- Christine J.

I’m going to show you everything I did to move beyond my limitations and transform my life by embracing more than I ever dreamed possible. For years I laid low (I kept myself so small!), feeling like I wasn’t worthy of pursuing a new career that I sensed would be totally fulfilling.

This lack of confidence kept me in a perpetual cycle of feeling stuck and unmotivated. Of course, I was aware that I had subconscious blocks and negative thought patterns keeping me stuck and afraid, however I didn’t know what to do about it yet.

Then one day I discovered the technology to unleash the inner power of my mind and began to consciously transform my life. And then everything changed.

In Rewire: 90 Days to Awaken Phenomenal Confidence & Become a Powerful Creator, I'm going to guide you through the formula I used to expand my life.


You know you are the creator of your reality, and you want to align yourself to your vision

You are a spiritual entrepreneur, and you want to tap into your superpowers

You want to be unstoppable

You want to embody to self-trust

You want to create and visualize new possibilities

You have a mission and are ready to remove any blocks holding you back.

• You know you are the creator of your reality, and you want to align yourself to your vision

• You are a spiritual entrepreneur, and you want to tap into your superpowers

• You want to be unstoppable

• You want to embody to self-trust

• You want to create and visualize new possibilities

• You have a mission and are ready to remove any blocks holding you back.


Turn your mind into your best ally

Create an unstoppable mindset

Be the hero of your soul’s journey

Rewire yourself to massive confidence

Create from a place of power

Discover your inner gifts and connect with your soul

• Turn your mind into your best ally

• Create an unstoppable mindset

• Be the hero of your soul’s journey

• Rewire yourself to massive confidence

• Create from a place of power

• Discover your inner gifts and connect with your soul

I have been struggling with asthma for almost 40 years, having serious episodes that have sent me directly to the emergency room for nebulization. I have been dependent on an inhaler for basically all my life. This was affecting me in many areas of my life, limiting me, and keeping me from being able to do what I want.

After only one session with Ami, I started to feel much better and almost completely eliminated the use of my inhaler. This has been a major change in my life. I am so happy that I did this session with Ami and I will always be grateful to her. 

- Sandra, Lima, Peru

My work with Ami has been exceptional at transmuting and creating real movement in important areas of my life, that were not able to be addressed by other practitioners. I highly recommend Ami’s RTT sessions to anyone looking to get at deeply seated challenges and desires in their life. 

- Matt, Fort Collins, Colorado

Vibe Your Vision

My 11 minute process easily accesses your subconscious to take you right into a high frequency state.

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