Hi, I’m Ami

I guide people on their soul’s journey to upgrade limiting subconscious programs that hold them back, so they can embody phenomenal confidence, own their power, and create the life they want to live.

“Don’t make your dreams match your limited beliefs, change your beliefs to match your dreams.”

Marisa Peer

“Don’t make your dreams match your limited beliefs, change your beliefs to match your dreams.”

Marisa Peer

Are you…

struggling with lack of confidence the way I did?
feeling as though something is missing in your life?  
wanting to move forward in your life, but not knowing what’s blocking you?
wanting to connect with your soul and listen to your inner voice, but unable to?  
wanting to live your life with purpose and meaning?  
I totally get it. This was me some years ago, struggling with self-doubt and lack of confidence.

• struggling with lack of confidence the way I did?
• feeling as though something is missing in your life?  
• wanting to move forward in your life, but not knowing what’s blocking you?
• wanting to connect with your soul and listen to your inner voice, but unable to?  
• wanting to live your life with purpose and meaning?  
• I totally get it. This was me some years ago, struggling with self doubt and lack of confidence.

This Does Not Have to Be Your Path. You don’t have to struggle any longer.

I know you want to expand and move past your self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors. You want to live the full life you were meant to live. You just have no idea how to make this happen.

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” 

Carl Jung

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” 

Carl Jung

Live a life aligned with your dreams and desires.

I am a transcendent hypnotherapist. My purpose is to guide you to awaken into your own magnificence, to remember who you truly are.

So if you are ready, and want to transform your life, then you’ve arrived at the right place.

It’s my mission to guide you to realize the truth of who you truly are, so you can feel incredibly confident and connect to your spiritual gifts.


Throughout my life, I’ve always had an adventurous spirit. Whenever I’ve felt a deep inner calling towards something, I’ve always followed that energy to wherever it led me. And, it’s led me on some pretty awesome and exciting transformative adventures.

By the end of college, I felt this insatiable desire to travel the world and had absolutely no clue about how to make this happen. While my friends were focusing on getting jobs and being settled, I was obsessing over how I could create this vision of me traveling the world.

My dream came true and I ended up living in the mountains of Greece and then Taiwan. I finished the adventure by backpacking solo all over southeast Asia. I got to experience how magical life can be.

Afterwards, I moved to New York City and became a massage therapist and energy healer for many years.

While I have always loved being in the wellness field, over time I began to feel limited in my career. I could feel myself ignoring an inner calling to take that next step to expand and grow.

At that time, I was reluctant because I just didn’t feel confident or believe in myself enough to take that next step, wherever it would lead me. I had almost completely lost touch with that adventurous girl who created a world traveling experience for herself back in her twenties.

When COVID happened, I began to do some very deep soul searching.

One day, I came across the modality called Rapid Transformational Therapy and that’s when I realized what my step would be.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is an awarding winning therapy that combines the best of hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

I dove into understanding how RTT works and learning everything I could about the subconscious mind and how it creates the blueprint for our reality. As I was also receiving RTT sessions, I began to rapidly upgrade my own beliefs about myself, have more confidence and create a much more powerful mindset.

I felt like had been led back to my soul.

I decided to go for it and become a hypnotherapist.


I’ve camped out with orangutans in the middle of the Indonesian jungle.

I’m passionate about living a healthy organic life.

I love making healthy (er) vegan desserts.

I manifested the best husband in the world for me and three beautiful kitty cats.

I am obsessed with learning everything I can about healing.

I adore all furry creatures.

I am fully committed to expanding and growing my potential so I can have a greater impact and I’m fully committed to helping others do the same.

I am very woo woo- I have been practicing energy healing for years and have a daily spiritual practice. I am a total spirit junkie.

Professional Bio

Ami is a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist and has trained with the world-renowned Marisa Peer. She has worked in the wellness industry for the past 22 years. She loves to infuse her skills as an energy healer into her transcendent hypnotherapy sessions.

Her passion is guiding her clients to discover and share their light so they can be the most confident version of themselves.

Ami lives in New Jersey, and she sees clients online from all over the world.

I have had two hypnotherapy sessions with Ami and both have been completely transformative. I experienced almost immediate release during each session as we uncovered the root of each issue that I was working through. It is incredible how brilliant our subconscious is if we are just able to connect with it and speak through it. The combination of deep clarity and the continued re-programming from listening to my recordings has left me feeling empowered to meet these issues from a place of peace and acceptance. It's not like all feelings of anxiety or not being enough have just disappeared, but for the first time in my life I feel that I am able to meet and see those feelings from a place of strength instead of being at their mercy. And now I have the knowing that I am taking massive leaps in healing things that I just thought would always be part of my life. I feel so empowered knowing that my future self will look at these decades long issues as something of the past!
I used to be afraid of hypnosis (anxiety, control, etc.), but I could not have been further off from the truth. Ami creates such a comfortable space to surrender and allow yourself to sink into your subconscious. All I felt was complete relaxation and almost a state of bliss as she guided me through the process. Ami is so intuitive and knows exactly the questions to ask to lead your subconscious through uncovering and explaining what is causing your hurt or trauma response.
Just two sessions have been life-changing for me, and I cannot wait to continue to work with Ami on my journey to embody my innate wholeness and abundance.

— Ryan Ball Denver, CO

I have had two hypnotherapy sessions with Ami and both have been completely transformative. I experienced almost immediate release during each session as we uncovered the root of each issue that I was working through. It is incredible how brilliant our subconscious is if we are just able to connect with it and speak through it. The combination of deep clarity and the continued re-programming from listening to my recordings has left me feeling empowered to meet these issues from a place of peace and acceptance. It's not like all feelings of anxiety or not being enough have just disappeared, but for the first time in my life I feel that I am able to meet and see those feelings from a place of strength instead of being at their mercy. And now I have the knowing that I am taking massive leaps in healing things that I just thought would always be part of my life. I feel so empowered knowing that my future self will look at these decades long issues as something of the past!
I used to be afraid of hypnosis (anxiety, control, etc.), but I could not have been further off from the truth. Ami creates such a comfortable space to surrender and allow yourself to sink into your subconscious. All I felt was complete relaxation and almost a state of bliss as she guided me through the process. Ami is so intuitive and knows exactly the questions to ask to lead your subconscious through uncovering and explaining what is causing your hurt or trauma response.
Just two sessions have been life-changing for me, and I cannot wait to continue to work with Ami on my journey to embody my innate wholeness and abundance.

— Ryan Ball Denver, CO


Vibe Your Vision

My 11 minute process easily accesses your subconscious to take you right into a high frequency state.

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